Published on February 13, 2015 By texashopkins In Offworld Feedback

Finshed(?) my first campaign and it just sorta stopped. I don't think I got points for the last battle and so ended up tied with the last company that was eliminated.. was tied going into the battle. Though I really don't understand where the points come from, are they battling else where while we are?

Anyway, there was no misssion to choose, no victory notice. It just sat there with the only choice being to exit.



on Feb 13, 2015

We don't really have a win or loss screen,  but there should have been some notification that you won... Did you win the final battle?

on Feb 13, 2015

The loss screen was pretty obvious to me when it said (Eliminated) next to my name LOL.

I have only tried that one campaign thus far.

on Feb 13, 2015

I did win the last match.

On the side it showed everyone eliminated but me though my score was tied with the one eliminated player at 65.

It would be nice if when it ended it gave you something along with maybe a summary of how you got your score or something.  When can we expect rules for the campaign or at least a write up about what's going on with it?




on Feb 13, 2015

Would you like me to send something in, if so what do you need for the campaign?



on Feb 13, 2015

I'll let you know - not a lot of people have played through the campaign yet, so it sounds like it's time for us to put something there!